Samplers Revisited

Yarn & Stitch are ready to ship!

Just off the Press!  The latest in the Periodic Table Series!  Yarn & Stitch!  Two neat charts in one chart pack. What fun to use Chemistry to spell out our favorite things!  As usual, please ask your favorite store to order from Stitching Pretty (see bottom of Home Page for info to give them) or go see the models at Salty Yarns in Ocean City, MD.  You can also pick up charts in Sea Needles in Bethany Beach, DE, Stitching Post in Catonsville, MD and at In Stitches in Alexandria, VA!  Use your favorite colors of floss and fabric to match your decor.  Would make a great gift for your stitchy friends!  See my color schemes on the chart page.  Look in New Charts.  Happy Stitching!